
A high-speed three.js substrate for visualizing biofidelic data

View the Project on GitHub aplbrain/substrate


Exposed Functions

addLayer (key : string, layer : Layer)

Add a Layer to the Visualizer.

removeLayer (key : string)

Remove the layer from the scene with the key specified.

resize (x : number, y: number)

Resizes the visualizer to X by Y pixels. All arguments are optional:

V.resize() resizes to fill the container.

V.resize(10, undefined) resizes automatically in Y, and sizes to 10 pixels in X.

V.resize(500, 100) resizes to 500px X, 100px Y.

onClick (Visualizer, event, [objects])

You may optionally pass an onClick property to the Visualizer. If you pass a function, it will receive a reference to the Visualizer that called it, the mouse-click event, and an array of objects in the scene for which that click may apply, ordered by distance from the camera (with the 0th element being the closest).

onKeyDown (Visualizer, event)

The onKeyDown listener will receive a reference to its calling Visualizer, as well as the keydown event itself.

Exposed Attributes

cameraDistance: Number

A number that is the maximum camera distance from the origin when zooming.

renderLayers: {String: Layer}

A dictionary or array of Layers. If you specify an array, order is not guaranteed (that is, renderLayer[0] may be moved to renderLayer[1] without notice). If you want access to your layers after declaration, it is recommended that you provide a dictionary instead, in the form {myLabel: Layer() }. You can then access that layer using Visualizer.renderLayers.myLabel or Visualizer.renderLayer['myLabel'].

Note that this does not break compatibility with earlier substrate versions.

startingCameraPosition: [x : number, y : number, z : number]

A point in XYZ space at which the camera should be placed before the first render-cycle.

width: number

In pixels. Optional.

height: number

In pixels. Optional.